She's off to school

The day has finally arrived - our daughter started kindegarten today at the new school. My wife took her in early and stayed with her until it was time to go to class. I told her to get there as soon as she could. It was a good thing, too. She was able to find a place to park. When she was leaving, cars were parked all up and down the major road that runs in front of the school and it sounds like the neighbors didn't care for it too much. She'll do it again tomorrow, but on Monday, the kids are required to just be dropped off.
She made it through the day alright. She already knew two kids in her class from the Montessori school she's been at, so that certainly helped. It sounds like the first day was pretty much just getting used to being in the school. She's staying after school in the YMCA's on site care and that seemed to go pretty well also.
My wife made the mistake of trying to park in the front when it came time to get her. Even though school had let out an hour before, she still had to wait 15 minutes for the queue to move up enough for her to get to the parking lot. But, she learned that she can park in back from now on to pick up from after school care, so that should go better tomorrow as well.
While she hasn't been napping at home on the weekends for a long time, she had still been taking naps at the old school. No naps anymore at the new one and I think that's going to start catching up with her so she'll start going to bed earlier. She was tired after her first day and had a little upset stomach, but she was feeling better by bed time.
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