I am the 80's

Alright, I didn't get as high a score as I should have due to rushing through, as well as a few spelling mistakes that the test creater dinged me for.
I fully expect Shell to get a perfect score.
Labels: blog fodder
I'm an early 30's engineer with delusions of adequacy. From here, I'll share my perspective, usually through words, sometimes through pictures, of the view of the world from one man's eyes.
Labels: blog fodder
....for being really busy at work. You'd think I was in retail trying to handle holiday shoppers with the hours I've been working. But no, I'm just working a really big, really out of whack project, leading a team with seven guys local and four more in India. One problem with a booming market is that, not only is the labor pool drying up, but the overall quality of labor is dropping. Listen to me, I sound like some kind of economist. Basically, companies are figuring out they need to pay well to hold on to their strong people - which has certainly been good for me this year. Problem is, there's too much work for just the good people. So, companies are now competing for people that no one would consider hiring a couple of years ago. It's tough because it is effecting all the technical disciplines. Which means, that guys like me are working extra to recover from some of the damage that others are inflicting. But, at least it's paying me more than I ever thought I'd be making, so I'll make due.
Well, it's the middle of the week. I just checked in to see how Shell is doing and figured I'd put up a quickie, myself.
Well, I managed to find a few quiet moments this evening, so I figured I'd post and update. The holiday season is in full swing at our household, even though things don't officially kick off until tomorrow as the first Sunday of Advent. But, the shopping is finished, most of the gifts are wrapped, the tree is decorated and the lights are up outside (I'll try to get a picture in the next few days). We even managed to get the picture for our Christmas cards. Now all I need is to write the letter, get the cards ordered, and get this year's Christmas missive out to the friends and family.